the first day of spring??? WTF?!?!? we had plans to spend the afternoon at the dallas arboretum and botanical garden http://www.dallasarboretum.org/ obviously we changed those plans also. now don't get me wrong, i do enjoy a nice snowfall. but NOT when the north winds are blowing and NOT on the first day of spring. there are reasons that i no longer live in minnesota!!!
we did have one of those perfect snowfalls on february 11th. it was a texas record breaker. huge fluffy flakes (with no wind) fell for about 22 hours, from 3am til around midnight, accumulating a foot of snow on the ground. it was beautiful!!!

today the sun is shining again, clear skies and warm temps. yesterday's snow is all gone. everything's back to normal. SPRINGTIME. yahoo!!! here's what my backyard typically looks like . . .

guess it's the contrasts, the variations, that make us all pause for a moment and notice all the little things in life with appreciation.